Is this normal? Color change after harvesting magic mushrooms

The first time I embarked on the journey of harvesting magic mushrooms, I approached the task with utmost care and diligence. Armed with gloves and a mask, I meticulously followed all the necessary precautions to maintain a sterile environment. However, despite my efforts, I was taken aback when I noticed that some of my freshly harvested mushrooms began to exhibit a troubling blue hue. Concerned that it might be a sign of mold or contamination, I turned to online forums and Google in search of answers.

After delving into research and seeking advice from experienced cultivators, I discovered that the blue discoloration was not a cause for alarm but rather a natural phenomenon known as “bruising.” Essentially, when mushrooms are handled or disturbed, they can undergo a chemical reaction that results in the development of this blue pigmentation. Relieved to learn that my harvest was not compromised, I resolved to take extra precautions during my subsequent endeavors.

Armed with newfound knowledge, I approached my second harvest with heightened awareness. Focusing on minimizing physical contact with the mushrooms, I adopted a more delicate touch, handling them only at the base to avoid unnecessary bruising. As a result of these efforts, I observed that the blue hue only appeared in areas where I had directly handled the mushrooms. Encouraged by this realization, I continued to refine my techniques, striving to ensure the pristine quality of my harvests.

Attached are images documenting my journey, including snapshots of freshly harvested, almost pristine-white mushrooms, as well as others in the process of developing the characteristic blue bruising. Through my experiences, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of learning from mistakes and embracing the learning process inherent in the art of mushroom cultivation.

Note: mushroom caps have been removed for spore prints.

magic mushrooms

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