Overcoming Excessive Sweating: How Micro-Dosing Magic Mushrooms Transformed My Life

As much as I do not like to talk about this, inappropriate sweating, as it has always been a source of extreme embarrassment for me, I feel that I owe it to myself and others to document this unexpected and amazing side effect of micro-dosing magic mushrooms.

Have you ever woken up in a sweat, or during the day, for no known reason, your palms and soles of your feet explode with moisture? For me, this has been an everyday occurrence for as long as I can remember. Waking up to my palms and soles of my feet literally dripping sweat would gross me out and immediately wake me up. Meeting someone new, while exciting or even scary, never made me feel hyped up or in danger enough to cause the intense waterfall that would come pouring out of my palms when getting ready to say hi to a stranger. I would try to discreetly wipe my palms on my pants to dry them off before the inevitable handshake, but it never helped. The other person would then wipe their hand on their pants to relieve themselves of the gross unexpected water they just came in contact with. As a teenager, this unpredictable bodily function became a sore spot for me to the point where I asked my doctor for help. This plea for help with this embarrassing issue would continue into my adulthood with no relief.

I was prescribed a roll-on medication that dried out my skin terribly and didn’t work. I was offered an oral medication, but due to always experiencing bad side effects from medications, I declined and continued to be embarrassed and self-conscious of this uncontrollable bodily function. Throughout the years, I tried changing my diet, exercising regularly, and exploring herbal remedies to alleviate my symptoms.

Unfortunately, nothing helped until after I started my micro-dosing journey. I would love to say that all of the amazing benefits I have experienced happened on day one of my micro-dosing journey, but that is not the case. I cannot pinpoint exactly when this particular amazing side effect started, but I can tell you that it has continued.

At this point in my journey, it has been at least four months since I stopped micro-dosing on a 4/3 protocol, and I have seen tremendous benefits that have continued. I could not tell you if this change was brought on by my brain’s ability to now process the trauma that has been trapped in my body, or if it is a chemical response to the magic mushrooms. After reading “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma” by Bessel van der Kolk M.D., I want to lean towards my mind’s neuroplasticity finding a way to heal the trauma. I am no longer waking up, at any point, drenched in sweat. I no longer am concerned with drying my hands before a handshake, and I have not slipped on the floor because my feet were coated in sweat in months. This is one of those benefits that was unexpected, and I am so grateful for it.

The relief from this embarrassing condition has given me newfound confidence in social situations. I no longer dread meeting new people or engaging in activities that involve physical contact. The freedom from constantly worrying about my sweaty palms and feet has allowed me to focus on the present moment and enjoy life more fully.

This journey has been transformative in more ways than one. Micro-dosing has not only alleviated my physical symptoms but has also helped me confront and process underlying emotional and psychological issues. It has opened up a path to healing that I never thought possible. The changes I have experienced are a testament to the profound impact that micro-dosing magic mushrooms can have on one’s overall well-being.

If you’re considering micro-dosing as a potential remedy for your own issues, I encourage you to do thorough research and consult with professionals who are knowledgeable about its effects. My experience is just one example, and everyone’s journey with micro-dosing will be unique. However, I hope that by sharing my story, I can offer hope and encouragement to those who are struggling with similar problems.

In conclusion, the unexpected side effect of reduced sweating has been a significant and life-changing benefit of my micro-dosing journey. It has allowed me to live with greater ease and confidence, free from the embarrassment and discomfort that once plagued me. This experience has reinforced the importance of being open to new approaches and treatments, as they can lead to unexpected and transformative outcomes.


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